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Sea Belles is proud to have the following quartets associated with our chorus. We endorse all of them as excellent singers and entertainers, suitable for any occasion...
Moments of Magic
Moments of Magic Quartet is associated with Sea Belles Chorus.
The quartet began as "In Touch" and disbanded in 2016.
There have been a couple of member changes but we now have solid quartet who enjoy being and singing together. We are supported by our chorus members and perform at events occasionally. The quartet has been on the competition stage several times. We were fortunate to receive the Most Improved Quartet in 2018 and 2019. Besides our enjoyment of singing Harmony and being coached by the wonderful coaches, we make time to have fun together by celebrating Birthdays and special events. We look forward to competing on contest stage in June.
Friends First began singing many years ago just as a group of friends who loved to sing. We would get together and sing a little, and then have tea and talk! We finally made the decision to compete at AC&C and were thrilled to receive the Novice Quartet award in 2009. We competed again in 2012 and 2015 enjoying our time on the contest stage. We have enjoyed traveling together to Harmony Homecoming and many AC&C's as part of Sea Belles while getting some great coaching over the years as well. We were proud to put together our "virtual" video of one of our favourite songs "And So it Goes" a year ago. Presently, we try to get together whenever we can as Covid allows us to enjoy singing, camaraderie and of course tea and a chat.