Latest News

  • What Is HarmonySite? (Sea Belles)
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
    Please spread the word to share the HarmonySite to any group that would benefit from having a website that is user friendly.
    It could be any of the following:
    • Choirs – community, church, chamber, childrens, etc
    • Barbershop choruses – Mens and Womens
    • Clubs – Rotary, Lions, Toastmasters, etc
    • Orchestras
    • Marching bands
    • Art societies
    • Chambers of Commerce
    • Industry associations
    • ANY group that has members and events!
    HarmonySite is
     A centralized group management tool
    A website to promote your group/choir/chorus
    A communications hub for the members

    Check out the link to find out about pricing and their referral program.
  • Barbershopper of the Year Award
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 8 Apr 2023
    Barbershopper of the Year Award

    Each year, the members of Sea Belles vote on who should receive the "Barbershopper of the Year" award. It goes to someone who makes everyone feel welcome, is kind and helpful, and offers their skills to the chorus by taking on a leadership role.

    This year, the winner is Bernice Blake-Dibblee!!!

    Bernice worked tirelessly as the Sea Belles President throughout COVID to keep us going during difficult times. She has given the chorus countless hours of her time over the past 3 years, all with a positive attitude and willingness to help! Her dedication to Sea Belles is unmatched, and we are endlessly grateful for all she does. Congratulations, Bernice!!!!

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